Housing Benefit calculator
This calculator gives you an
estimate of the Housing Benefit you could get. It is not
a benefit claim. To actually claim Housing Benefit
you need to apply online. See the "More Information" section below
for details.
How to use the calculator
Just answer all the questions in
the order they appear on the page. The calculator is designed to only ask
questions that are needed. Don't skip ahead or you might not get asked all
the right questions.
Select a calculator
Choose the version that matches
your device.
»Computer version
»Smartphone version
More information
If you rent from a private
landlord, see the section below about Local Housing Allowance. This will help
you to find out what rent figure to use in the calculator.
»Housing Benefits page
»Making a claim
»Local Housing Allowance
Statement: The information you enter in the
calculator stays on your device. None of the information from the calculator
is sent to the Council. Click "Wipe" at the top of the calculator
to delete any saved information.
Calculator © QuickCalc Ltd